Halvautomatisk målemaskine til kegler
Semi-automatic Measuring Machine for Conrods can realize the automatic measurements of the following items: bore diameter, roundness and cylindricity; centre-to-centre distance between two bores; curvature, distortion and thickness. SPC analysis of the above measurement data can be conducted.
Høj målepræcision
Høj målenøjagtighed
High measuring efficiency ≤ 30 sec / piece
Reducer kraftigt arbejdsomkostningerne
Måleprincip: Comparison measurement. Displacement sensor is used to measure the difference between the measured parts and the calibration parts, and then the relative sizes of the measured parts are calculated.
Måleområde: Manual adjustments for various sizes measurements.
Measurement takt time: ≤30 seconds, under normal condition and operation
Measurement position technology level: sensor resolution: 0.0001mm, measurement accuracy: ±0.001mm, stability accuracy: ±0.001mm/4 h, GR&R: ≤10%.