Inneal tomhais fèin-ghluasadach airson conrods
Automatic Measuring Machine for Conrods can automatically weigh the big and small heads of connecting rods and realize the automatic measurements of the following items: bore diameter, roundness and cylindricity; Centre-to-centre distance between two bores; curvature, distortion and thickness. It also has the following functions: SPC analysis of the above measurement data; issue warnings to pre-processing equipment, to avoid nonconforming; automatic imprinting of identification codes in accordance with measurement results; connecting rods of different groups can be sent to the corresponding material path, which greatly facilitates packing up.
Cruinneas tomhais àrd
Cruinneas tomhais àrd
Èifeachdas tomhais àrd: 18 diog / pìos
Lùghdaich cosgaisean saothair gu mòr
Prionnsapal tomhais: Tomhas coimeas. Thathas a ’cleachdadh sensor gluasaid gus an eadar-dhealachadh eadar na pàirtean tomhaiste agus na pàirtean calibration a thomhas, agus an uairsin tha meudan dàimheach nam pàirtean tomhaiste air an tomhas. Bidh an siostam smachd gu lèir a ’gabhail ri modh conaltraidh bus Profinet airson conaltradh OPC leis a’ choimpiutair aoigheachd. Tha an amalachadh làidir agus tha an conaltradh sàbhailte agus earbsach.
Raon tomhais: Atharrachaidhean làimhe airson tomhas de dhiofar mheudan. Astar bho mheadhan gu meadhan: 120mm-150mm, trast-thomhas mòr a-staigh: 40mm-60mm, trast-thomhas beag tollaidh a-staigh: 15mm - 30mm, tighead deireadh mòr: 18mm-30mm.
Tomhas ùine takt: ≤10 diogan, fo chumhachan àbhaisteach agus obrachadh
Ìre teicneòlas suidheachadh tomhais: sensor resolution: 0.0001mm, measurement accuracy: 0.001mm, GRR: ≤10%.