Inneal tomhais fèin-ghluasadach airson bloc siolandair
Automatic Measuring Machine for Cylinder Block realizes the loading on the production line through automatic conveyor line, automatic location of workpiece and diameter, roundness, cylindricity measurement of cylinder bore and crankshaft bore. It also has the following functions: automatic grouping of crankshaft bores in accordance with measurement results; automatic imprinting of plain code and 2D code of grouping information on the cylinder block in accordance with grouping results; automatic identification and warning of the unqualified products and transportation of the unqualified out of the line; SPC analysis; data memory and saving.
Cruinneas tomhais àrd
Cruinneas tomhais àrd
Èifeachdas tomhais àrd
Lùghdaich cosgaisean saothair gu mòr
Prionnsapal tomhais: Tomhas coimeas. Thathas a ’cleachdadh sensor gluasaid gus an eadar-dhealachadh eadar na pàirtean tomhaiste agus na pàirtean calibration a thomhas, agus an uairsin tha meudan dàimheach nam pàirtean tomhaiste air an tomhas.
Tomhas ùine takt: ≤120 diogan, fo chumhachan àbhaisteach agus obrachadh
Ìre teicneòlas suidheachadh tomhais: rùn: 0.0001mm, cruinneas tomhais: ± 0.001mm, GRR: ≤10%.