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Mikwomèt lè ak mezi mèt

Kay>Pwodwi yo>Mikwomèt lè ak mezi mèt

LZE-AG Mikwomèt elektwonik

Ekspozisyon koulè

Dedicated signal amplification module

Maximum & Minimum value display

Fonksyon konpansasyon brutality

Fonksyon mezi estanda wonn

Kontakte Nou


1.High accuracy, high stability, top resolution 0.1μm. The instrument does not need to be preheated.

2.Relative and absolute values of measurement.

3.Measurement range: ±5μm, ±10μm, ±25μm,

4.10 sets programmable, storage 2,000 measurement value (No data loss due to power outages)

5.Display: Three-color light column automatic conversion

6.Outer koòdone: RS232 / RS485 ak I / 0 (ekspòtasyon, rechèch, ak efase done)

7.Special customization can be made according to customer's drawings (±100μm,± 150μm elatriye)

8.Automatic saving and sending of delayed measurement data.

Ki endike ranje valè Rezolisyon kolòn limyè (μm/lanp) Rezolisyon ekspozisyon dijital (μm) Ki endike valè total erè(≤μm) Repetebilite(≤μm) Premye diferans μm Pwa (Kg)  Gwosè (Lajè × Wotè × Pwofondè)
+5 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 25-60 3.1 60 × 498 × 180
+ 10 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 30-60 3.1 60 × 498 × 180
+ 25 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 40-80 3.1 60 × 498 × 180
+ 50 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 40-80 3.1 60 × 498 × 180