Otomatik Mezire machin pou tèt silenn
Automatic Measuring Machine for Cylinder Head realizes the loading on the production line through automatic conveyor line, automatic location of workpiece and all the measurements of items. It also has the following functions: automatic identification of the type of workpiece in accordance with the existing 2D code; automatic identification and warning of the unqualified products and transportation of the unqualified out of the line; SPC analysis; data memory and saving.
Segondè mezi presizyon
Segondè presizyon mezi
Segondè efikasite mezire
Anpil redwi depans travay yo
Mezi prensip: Mezi konparezon. Se Capteur deplasman ki itilize pou mezire diferans ki genyen ant pati yo mezire ak pati yo kalibrasyon, ak Lè sa a, gwosè relatif yo nan pati yo mezire yo kalkile.
Mezi pran tan: ≤120 segonn, anba kondisyon nòmal ak operasyon
Mezi pozisyon teknoloji nivo: rezolisyon: 0.0001mm, presizyon mezi: ± 0.001mm, GRR: ≤10%.