Ki diferans ki genyen ant tolerans anfòm ak tolerans kalib nan yon kalib ploge limit?
AAnfòm tolerans se gwosè admisib nan pwodwi a nan fabrikasyon itilize yo. Pou egzanp, tolerans la pou pwodwi twou 20H7 se [+ 0.021_0], ki vle di gwosè maksimòm ak minimòm admisib nan twou a se φ20.021 ak φ20, respektivman.
Yon pè GO ak NO GO kalib ploge limit yo itilize pou enspekte twou gwosè minimòm ak maksimòm, respektivman. Chak kalib ploge gen tolerans fabrikasyon li yo. Pou egzanp, tolerans fabrikasyon pou GO ploge kalib se φ20.0 + 0.001 / + 0.005, ak NO GO ploge kalib se φ20.021 ± 0.002.
Ki sètifika kalibrasyon ak ki kalite dokiman yo bay
AYon sètifika kalibrasyon se jeneralman yon dokiman ki verifye kapasite ak pèfòmans yon atik nan ekipman mezi ak tès pa konparezon ak estanda mezi retrace.
Ansanm ak sètifika kalibrasyon, nou menm tou nou bay sètifika retrace, dyagram sistèm trasabilite, rapò sou rezilta jijman an, ak kalibrasyon ak enspeksyon sètifika enstriman yo itilize pou kalibrasyon. Ou responsab pou frè sètifika founi dokiman yo.
Air kalib vs kalib kontak
AAccurate gauge with air tooling depends on the ability of the tool to produce consistent measurements, regardless of the tool's position within the workpiece. This means that the airflow and characteristics of the two jets must be "balanced". Since the air amplifier reacts to changes in this airflow, any position of the tool in the workpiece which reduces the airflow from one jet, must create a proportionate increase in airflow from an opposing jet. Jet diameters and "nozzle drops" must be identical, and on a common centerline with the outer diameter of the plug itself.
Any deviation in these two conditions of "balance" and "centrality" will cause indicator fluctuations commonly referred to as "total shake error". The following test procedures are recommended as the best methods of determining when an air tool should be removed from service. (Note these are only generalized recommendations and the results from each of these tests should be considered against the tolerance being measured with any specific air tool).
Kouman mwen ka di lè zouti lè mwen an chire?
AAccurate gauge with air tooling depends on the ability of the tool to produce consistent measurements, regardless of the tool's position within the workpiece. This means that the airflow and characteristics of the two jets must be "balanced". Since the air amplifier reacts to changes in this airflow, any position of the tool in the workpiece which reduces the airflow from one jet, must create a proportionate increase in airflow from an opposing jet. Jet diameters and "nozzle drops" must be identical, and on a common centerline with the outer diameter of the plug itself.
Any deviation in these two conditions of "balance" and "centrality" will cause indicator fluctuations commonly referred to as "total shake error". The following test procedures are recommended as the best methods of determining when an air tool should be removed from service. (Note these are only generalized recommendations and the results from each of these tests should be considered against the tolerance being measured with any specific air tool).
Konbyen tan pou tout lavi nan mezi ak Ki jan yo anpeche kalib soti nan mete?
ANou pa ka predi tout lavi mezi yo. Nimewo aktyèl la nan pati teste (frekans nan itilize), pwòpte nan mezi yo lè tès li ak sere nan mezi yo nan pati, tout gen yon enpak sou lavi a sètifye nan mezi.
Kalite yo sijè a mete pandan itilizasyon an. Sepandan, mete te kapab anpeche pa pran swen kalib la soti nan pousyè, bato, Burr ki rete soude sou pwodwi a. Netwaye pwodwi a soti nan bagay sa yo anvan enspeksyon lè l sèvi avèk kalib.
Konbyen tan peryòd garanti mikwomèt lè a?
APeryòd garanti pa patikilyèman espesifye. Nou pral egzaminen ak manyen separeman domaj la oswa sentòm nòmal ki rive nan l 'nòmal nan yon kout peryòd apre achte.