Mashiinka Cabbiraadda otomaatiga ah ee loogu talagalay Block silsilad
Automatic Measuring Machine for Cylinder Block realizes the loading on the production line through automatic conveyor line, automatic location of workpiece and diameter, roundness, cylindricity measurement of cylinder bore and crankshaft bore. It also has the following functions: automatic grouping of crankshaft bores in accordance with measurement results; automatic imprinting of plain code and 2D code of grouping information on the cylinder block in accordance with grouping results; automatic identification and warning of the unqualified products and transportation of the unqualified out of the line; SPC analysis; data memory and saving.
Sax cabirka sare
Saxnaanta cabbirka sare
Waxtarka qiyaasta sare
Si weyn u yaree kharashyada shaqaalaha
Mabda'a Cabbiraadda: Qiyaasta isbarbardhiga. Dareeraha Barokaca waxaa loo isticmaalaa in lagu cabbiro farqiga u dhexeeya qaybaha la qiyaasay iyo qaybaha cabbiraadda, ka dibna waxaa la xisaabinayaa cabirrada isu dhow ee qaybaha la qiyaasay.
Qiyaasta waqtiga qaadashada: -120 ilbidhiqsi, oo ku jira xaalad caadi ah iyo hawlgal
Heerka farsamada booska cabbiraadda: xallinta: 0.0001mm, saxnaanta cabbirka: ± 0.001mm, GRR: ≤10%.